Dear Users,
CCC is happy to provide you self-service applications for some common operations. Details of usage are explained below:
Changing current ERP & Internet password: Using this application, you can change your current ERP & Internet password, provided you already know your current one or have an IITG Office356 email account. In this method, having an IITG Office356 email account is not mandatory.
- Open the link:
- In the field "Username", provide your IITG username. The suffix "" is not required.
- In the field "Password (ERP or Office365 Password)", you can either provide your current ERP password or your O365 email password(as applicable).
- In the field "New ERP Password" , provide the new password that you wish to set. This must comply to the password requirements as mentioned in the right section of the page.
- In the field "Confirm ERP Password", confirm the new password.
- Click on the button "Change" to change the password.
- Click on the button "Reset" to reset( make blank) the form fields.
Resetting ERP & Internet password: Using this application, you can reset your current ERP & Internet password provided you have an IITG O356/GMail email account. In this method, having an IITG Office356 email account is mandatory.
- Open the link:
- In the field "Username", provide your IITG username. The suffix "" is not required.
- In the field "Confirm Username", provide your username once again.
- In the field "Verification Code", provide the summation captcha correctly.
- Click on the Button to Send OTP to the your O365 email account. This OTP is valid for a limited time, please ensure to complete the process by then or generate another OTP.
- In the next page, Provide your new password and confirm the same. This must comply to the password requirements as mentioned in the right section of the page.
- In the field OTP, provide the OTP that has been sent to your mail account.
- In the field "Verification Code", provide the summation captcha correctly.
- Click on the button "Submit" to reset the password.
Creating Temporary Guest/Event Users: Using this application, departments/centres/sections/guesthouse can create temporary guest/event user accounts based on requirements. The link is: However, the portal for creation of accounts is visible only when requested to CC Team.
CC Admin.