Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान गुवाहाटी


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  • All fields marked with red asterisks(*) are mandatory.
  • For uploading scanned documents only pdf files are allowed.
  • Maximum allowed file size limit for a scanned document is 4MB.
  • Before applying read terms and conditions carefully.
  • Closing Date for online application submission: 24-03-2025, 4.30PM

  • A detailed introductory application on printed letter-head
  • Scanned copy of appropriate valid certificate relating to registration number/trade license/proof of business establishment, etc. issued by respective local government authorities.
  • Proof of age of the applicants (i.e. since how long the entity is in library document supply business). Minimum requirement of at least three consecutive years business in library document supply. Appropriate proof, like copy of orders received from different libraries needs to be furnished.
  • Experiences certificates from three peers, of which at least one should be from Institute of National Importance or Central or State or Private universities to which the applicants have supplied books in last three consecutive years.
  • Scanned copy of proofs from publisher(s)(if applicable)
  • Scanned copy of proof of annual turnover and/or audited balance-sheet for last three consecutive financial years.
  • Duly filled Vendor Profile Form(scanned copy)
  • PAN/TAN (scanned copy)
  • GSTIN (scanned copy,not mandatory)
  • Cancelled Cheque issued by your banker(scanned copy)